Nick Bloom on Why Hybrid Work Wins,
Fridays Are Dead, and Mondays Are On Life Support
Guest: Nick Bloom
Nick Bloom is the leading expert on hybrid work, a LinkedIn Top Voice, and “the prophet of remote work,” according to Fortune. In this spirited dialogue, Nick emerges as a lively narrator firmly anchored in rigorous data: productivity, work-life balance, job satisfaction, inclusion, and happiness are the highest when we are working 2-3 days per week from home. Did you know that when employees are granted the flexibility of remote work just twice a week, companies witness a staggering 35% decrease in their quit rate, a bump in their Diversity Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging (DEIB) scores, and avoid the painful pitfalls of a botched return to the office (RTO)?
Further, Nick introduces us to the 4 strategies for a successful 4-day workweek and shares his secrets on how he and his team rigorously survey and capture high-quality responses from 10,000+ responders per month. If you need data proving that hybrid work is here to stay, this episode is for you!

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